Affordable imagery for weather systems.
Advanced weather graphics and maps.
DSI provides weather graphics for TV stations, cable TV, news broadcasts and CCTV.
- Standalone solution or integrate with weather stations.
- Custom branding.
- Cloud based imagery regularly updated.
- Competitive and affordable pricing.

Customizable weather station
A robust, flexible weather station.
Measure, monitor and manage weather data while providing your viewers with accurate local weather forecasts.
- Includes hardware, custom software and logging ports
- A robust range of options to meet your needs.
- Solar-powered transmitter.
- Temperature, rain, wind and humidity sensors.
- Easily integrated within our Character Generator and LineUp products
Other Products and Solutions
Need more tools and/or content? These DSI products are easy to use and integrate. Best of all, these low-cost options are tailored to your specific needs.
Character Generator
Build a bulletin board style channel for your cable system, hotel, office or school.